Latest Episodes
The College Struggle: Final Episode of Spring Semester
Deven Patel hosts his last episode of the semester.
The College Struggle: All About Finals Season
Deven and his girlfriend discuss their Easter and the stress that can come with finals season. They talk about the finals that they are...
The College Struggle: Since the Beginning of College
Deven and a special guest chat about their time spent in college so far: how they have grown, how things have changed, and how...
The College Struggle: Attending School In-State
Deven talks about going to college close to home.
College Struggle: Best (and Worst) Places To Eat pt. 2
Dev, Lauren, and Drew continue their discussion of the Best (and Worst) Places to Eat Originally aired: 2.5.2023
The College Struggle: Best (and Worst) Places To Eat
Dev and Rachel discuss the best and worst places to get food on campus. Originally aired: 1.22.2023